I have studied and taught herbal nutrition, anti-aging practices, iridology
(study of the eyes), reflexology (study of the feet), and many other natural
alternatives for wholeness and healthy lifestyles.
My passion, interest and knowledge in nutrition and human potential enables me
to coach people on the path to more vibrant, energetic, fulfilling lives.
I am a Certified TeleClass Leader, and I love to work with people by phone and
internet, in groups or one-on-one. I lead workshops, teleclasses and podcasts,
supporting people who want to lead healthier lifestyles.
Diana’s Naturopath Certificate
Diana Walker as the Cravings Coach
I am particularly fascinated with the study of cravings for common foods and
drinks like sugar, salt, coffee, sodas, fast foods, fried foods and carbs. I can
provide you with insights into freedom from cravings.
You will find education and inspiration on your path to freedom from cravings,
and potential weight management, through my resources here:
https://www.thecravingscoach.com – Diana Walker’s Cravings Coach TIPS – are
cravings running your life? Here you will find natural solutions to cravings for
sugar, salt, coffee, sodas, fast foods, fried foods and carbs.
https://www.thecravingscoach.com/blog – Diana Walker’s blog provides current
information on cravings, weight management, and nutrition. Podcast coming soon!
https://www.cravingsecrets.com – Are Cravings Making You Fat? Diana Walker’s
ebook is power-packed with solutions to your overwhelming cravings. Many bonuses
are included.
Diana Walker as Sunrider Group Director
I have utilized the powerful nutrition of Chinese herbal foods and beverages for
myself and my family since 1996, as a delicious and convenient whole food way of
eating more than 70 plants daily.
As an entrepreneur and home-based business owner, this has been extremely
rewarding for me. I was able to leave my stressful government 9-5 job in 2003
due to the income I earn with Sunrider International as a Sunrider Independent
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