Vegetarian and Vegan Free Ebook
Vegetarian and Vegan Free Ebook: The Complete Handbook to Vegetarian and Vegan Diets – Comprehensive information for eliminating meat products from your diet for Health and Wellness is available here:
Or Click on this link to receive the 80 page free ebook, which will answer so many questions about Vegetarian and Vegan Lifestyles
Here is a comprehensive Video to help you on your Vegetarian and Vegan Diet journey:
A vegetarian diet is one that excludes meat, chicken, and pork and mainly includes plant foods. There are various levels of exclusion of meat and animal byproducts, depending on the type of diet pursued by the individual.
The reasons for following a vegetarian lifestyle vary, and include, health, ethical and religious justifications. Since the consumption of saturated fats that come from animal products has been linked with high cholesterol, and heart disease, many choose to eliminate those foods for health reasons alone.
Foods Omitted From A Vegetarian Diet:
The type of food omitted from a vegetarian diet depends on the specific type of vegetarian diet the person follows. In various forms, the following foods may be excluded:
* All animal products, including fish
* Eggs, milk, cheese and dairy
* Any non-food products made from animal or animal by-products
The vegan diet is by far the strictest and excludes all animal products and their byproducts.
* Vegans do not consume any animal products, including, red meat, white meat (pork), fish, seafood, and poultry.
* They also exclude any foods derived from or made with animal products or byproducts, such as milk, yogurt, cheese, mayonnaise, butter, honey, gelatin, and eggs.
* Vegans also do not use any non-food products made from animals, such as beeswax, cosmetics, supplements, silk, leather, or wool.
Like any vegetarian diet, it is hoped that the convert will receive benefits such as weight loss, and the reduction of the risk of diabetes and heart disease, but for vegans it is more about following a philosophy rather than a diet.
Vegetarian Recipe: Vegetarian Oat Burgers by Diana Walker Click here:
Read more here:
Read more about the Vegetarian/Vegan plant-based nutrition that I have used for 24 years here: NBC – Nourish, Balance, Cleanse (Sunrider Sunpack – also called the Basic Program)
Nourish with Nuplus, Sunny Dew, Sunectar
Balance with Quinary.
Cleanse with Calli, Fortune Delight
Relax with Sunbreeze Oil or Balm.
Movement, plenty of rest, fresh air and sunshine. Have faith in yourself! You will become a new person, healthier and more alive!!! Keep yourself positive, loving, forgiving, kind and happy.
It would be my joy and pleasure to help you get started on these wonderful and delicious plant-based whole foods here:
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