About Diana Walker – Sunrider Nutrition Leader + Lifestyle Coach
Diana Walker has been actively involved in the Health and Wellness field for over 30 years.
About Diana Walker
In Hawaii in the 1970s, Diana led exercise classes on the beach, and worked for, and studied under, Dr. Paul Bragg, world-famous Naturopath and “Life Extension Specialist”. He was 95 years old at the time! Diana completed her training to be a Naturopath in 1980.
Diana Walker was introduced to Sunrider in 1996 – 25 years ago – and is absolutely passionate about this powerful life-changing nutrition.
During the last 18 years, Diana has combined her passion for the internet with her passion for nutrition, and is successfully earning an income online. She has coached hundreds of people on the path to more vibrant, energetic, fulfilling lives.
My purpose is to help you go from craving junk food and junk beverages to craving health food and healthy beverages.
I’d love to see you, let’s connect on Social Media:
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/dianawalkerhealthylifestyles
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/DianaWalker2010
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/dianawalker
Pinterest https://pinterest.com/dianacwalker/
Twitter https//:www.twitter.com/dianawalker
Wishing you Vibrant Health & Freedom From Cravings!
Diana Walker
CEO, Diana’s Healthy Lifestyles
Certified TeleClass Leader
About Diana Walker, Certified TeleClass Leader
Author, Blogger, Podcaster, Audio-Video Specialist, Sunrider Leader, Cravings Coach,
CEO, Diana Walker’s Healthy Lifestyles
Are cravings running your life? Cravings for sugar, carbs, chocolate, coffee, sodas, and junk food can be overwhelming. Tired? Foggy-brained? Diana Walker gives healthy whole food and natural solutions to regain energy, mental clarity, freedom from cravings.
Sunrider Whole Food, quick and easy, delicious and nutritious. We are alive and we need foods that are alive!!! Exclusive, high-quality whole food, plant-based Sunrider food concentrates, safe for everyone, from babies to grandparents. Quick and easy nutrition provides energy and great mental clarity. More energy, more mental clarity, less cravings for junk food.