Clean Eating Sunrider Vitataste Cravings Reduced
Very Unique Product to Reduce Cravings for Junk Food!
How to Deal With Cravings for Processed Foods and Junk Food.
Clean Eating Sunrider Vitataste (I will give you more information on this nutritional product below). One of the best ways to deal with cravings (addictions) is to remove a physical presence. Cleaning out your pantry, and removing processed foods, and junk food from your living environment is a great start. After all, if a sugar-filled snack or processed microwave meal is not available, you can’t eat it.
Keep Healthy Snacks in Your Car and Workplace
Sometimes you may experience cravings for processed foods and junk food when you are away from home. A great way to kill those desires is to keep healthy and delicious tasting fruits, vegetables, homemade granola bars and other unprocessed snacks in your car and workplace.
Drink Water to Reduce Junk Food Cravings
Studies have shown that drinking 8 to 16 ounces of water can fight a food craving for more than an hour. Also, if you eat 5 or 6 meals throughout the day your stomach constantly stays full. This means less of a chance that you will give in to the urges created by a processed food that is calling your name.
Keep a Food Journal
Keeping a food journal is also helpful here. Whenever you experience a craving for unhealthy, processed food, write down your feelings. Then look at what happened just before the craving hit. Did you receive an exceptionally good or bad piece of news? Emotional eating is not in response to true hunger, and is often attached to a sugar addiction which can be a problem with processed foods.
Surround Yourself with Like-Minded Individuals
Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals is extremely important. If you have someone you can talk to that is also trying to steer clear of the dangers of processed foods, your chances of eating smart and never giving into unhealthy cravings are much higher.
Your “Why?” Statement
You should also keep a “Why?” belief statement on you at all times. This can be simply a small card that fits in your wallet, pocket or purse. Write down the reasons why you are avoiding processed foods and trying to eat a much healthier diet. This can provide the motivation to beat even the strongest cravings.
The Takeaway
Eating healthy means avoiding heavily processed foods. And you can actually save money by treating your body to a much healthier diet in many cases. There are cookbooks, DVDs, courses and web videos which arm you with the proper information regarding processed foods and their dangers, and how to avoid them.
The information included in my blog posts acts as a primer to get you started on a path towards healthy and smart eating. Formulate a game plan for eating a clean, whole, plant-based diet beginning today, and you will treat yourself to a happier and healthier tomorrow.
Clean Eating Sunrider Vitataste
Vitataste is a Concentrated Food in a capsule
Read more about Sunrider Vitataste Here:
Vitataste is a concentrated food (juiced Chinese food herbs) in a capsule.
Vitataste helps with Cravings, so people are not so addicted to things they shouldn’t be eating.
How do we use it? Well, just swallowing two capsules once, twice or three times a day can boost the body’s ability to slow down or not have the cravings.
It is very effective to swallow two capsules before you indulge in that ice cream, or pie or whatever sweet you are eating. It will ease the burden of the pancreas to work to metabolize the sweet.
So if you are going to cheat and eat a dessert or something, take two capsules before you eat it, if you can remember. If you forgot, then take it after you eat the sweet. The sooner the better after indulging. When taken in this manner, it helps the negative effects of eating the sweet on the body’s metabolism.
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Diana Walker, CEO, Diana’s Healthy Lifestyles
Holistic Health Consultant
Sunrider Leader, Whole Foods Nutrition
Diana, I completely agree with your strategies to drink lots of water and keep healthy snacks with you. Healthy eating is the basis of health.
Thank you so much, Kebba! Absolutely – “Healthy eating is the basis of health”. Diana