Diana Walker’s Amazing Healthy Birthday Week
This has been an amazing week – my son Jesse Walker flew in from the Cayman Islands for 10 days.

We celebrated with 17 people – friends and family – at the Kitsilano Boathouse, Vancouver, BC, Canada. My friend Maureen Shaffer baked a special amazing cake for my birthday celebration! I am so blessed to have so many close and loving friends and family to celebrate with me.
Most of my friends and family are involved in fitness, health, nutrition, healthy lifestyles, yoga, travel – I am so blessed and have a wonderful life!
Diana Walker, Diana’s Healthy Lifestyles
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Happy Birthday Diana! So glad your son was able to visit with you. It must be tough with him living so far away.
Hi Christina! Oh, it was an amazing Birthday and really an incredible Birthday week with so much fun and love and sharing and caring by family and friends. I’ll remember it forever, and my son flew back to the Cayman Islands on Thursday at midnight, and it’s been so quiet since!
Well, actually Jesse and Gabe flew to Las Vegas for 4 days together, and then Jesse flies to the Cayman Islands and Gabe flies back to Vancouver,
Lots of amazing memories!
Thanks for commenting Christina!