PEMF and Beneficial EMFs for Health

PEMF and Beneficial EMFs for Health PEMF and Beneficial EMFs for Health.  PEMF stands for Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Frequency and EMF […]

PEMF and Beneficial EMFs for Health

PEMF and Beneficial EMFs for Health.  PEMF stands for Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Frequency and EMF stands for ElectroMagnetic Frequencies.  You may want to know what the difference is between Beneficial and Harmful EMFs.
Did you know that Beneficial EMFs are as Essential as Breathing?
Essential to Life on Earth – Electromagnetic frequencies – There are Harmful EMFs and there are Beneficial EMFs.
PEMF and Beneficial EMFs for HealthWe can help with earth-based frequencies. PEMF Omnium1 Full Body Mat – that’s me with my OmniMat over top of me…. usually we will lay ON the mat, but it works either way.  When you are laying ON the Mat, it needs to be on a hard surface.

EARTH-BASED EMFs are Beneficial – these come from the earth!!!…. like even the “Negative Ions” from waterfalls, walking in a forest (Forest Bathing), etc. Cool, eh?

Below is a video of me (Diana Walker) and my sister explaining the benefits of the PEMF Omnium1 Mat by Swiss Bionic.

Purchase your own Swiss Bionic Omnium1 Mat here: 
The two main components of Earth’s PEMFs, the Schumann and Geomagnetic frequencies, are so essential that NASA and the Russian space program equip their spacecrafts with devices that replicate these frequencies.
These frequencies are absolutely necessary for the human body’s circadian rhythms, energy production, and even keeping the body free from pain.

“Our Entire Biological System, the Brain and the Earth Itself
work on the same frequencies” ~ Nikola Tesla

ElectroMagnetic Fields can either: 

* Destroy Human Health  OR

* Restore Human Health

This is Life-Transforming Knowledge.

Nothing happens in the body without an electromagnetic exchange. 

When the electromagnetic activity of the body ceases, life ceases.

There is a big problem on planet earth right now, rather, a twofold problem, as to why we are no longer getting these life-nurturing energies of the earth.
The new science of PEMF therapy (a branch of energy medicine), based on modern quantum field theory, is the solution to this problem.
Next to Oxygen, the Magnetic Field of the Earth is more Critical to the Life of Your Cells than anything else.

“Our Entire Biological System, the Brain and the Earth Itself
work on the same frequencies” ~ Nikola Tesla

Laying on the PEMF Omnium1 Full Body Mat by Swiss Bionic is like a day at the spa, or a day in nature.
We are meant to get our energy from the Magnetic Field of the earth.
iMRS = Intelligent Magnetic Resonance Stimulation
PEMF = Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Frequency (or Field)
Omnium1 = Name for the PEMF Mat that is best for Home Use (the one I use) (also called Omni Mat)
Contact me with any questions you may have about PEMF (Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field Therapy).
Diana Walker, Swiss Bionic Lifestyles Consultant
Learn more with my Newsletter here:

Purchase your own Swiss Bionic Omnium1 Mat here: 
Diana Walker would love to help you here:

2 thoughts on “PEMF and Beneficial EMFs for Health”

  1. Hey Diane, I’ve been hearing about the results they received from PEMF from some friends for a few years. Now that you’ve explained the benefits, I’ll look into it. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Fantastic, Florence! I’m so happy you have already heard about PEMF. Yes, there are so many benefits, and it has been life-changing for me and so many others! Diana

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