
Stress ~ Don’t Stress! Peaceable ~ “No Stress, Don’t Stress” – Tomorrow is a Brand New Day Everything is Going […]

Stress ~ Don’t Stress!

Peaceable ~ “No Stress, Don’t Stress” – Tomorrow is a Brand New Day

Everything is Going to be Okay

Better Days Are Ahead, I Say

Throw All Your Worries Away

Live in Today, Live in the Moment


Learn more here:

Be sure to pick up your free ebook here:


Best Foods To Reduce Stress
• Walnuts
• Turkey
• Spinach
• Salmon
• Avocados
• All green vegetables have all been proven to help the body function properly when dealing with stress.
• It is also important to ensure you are drinking enough water!

Stress Sunrider ESE Diana Walker Better Sleep and Relaxation



This formula nourishes the nervous system as it regulates the body’s response to stress.
Its calming effect allows for relief from restlessness, anxiety and sleeplessness.
Better rested, the body is more able to deal with stress, and a clearer mind will enhance the powers of concentration.
It basically helps our thought messages get to where they are meant to go.
It doesn’t create neurotransmitters, but it feeds them.
Can be used for hyperactive children or nervous adults or just about anyone with a stressful lifestyle – in other words, just about everybody!
But remember, this is not a medicine.
It is a food.
Like all of the Sunrider formulas, it is not intended to replacy your medical doctor’s instructions.
Sometimes, our mind can’t stop when it is time to go to sleep.
ESE is a good addition to a night-time cup of Calli Night to insure a good quality sleep.
It is also good for memory.
A great food for students to take while studying or just prior to taking exams.
A good way to remember its function is to associate ESE with how it helps us be at “ease”.

Stress Diana Walker Sunrider ESE Chinese HerbsFeel calm and composed

This relaxing formula works wonders on anxiety, stress, and sleeplessness, so you feel rested and rejuvenated.
Learn more here:

Stress and Anxiety Solutions Sunrider Nutrition

Sunrider Customer Here–

Be sure to pick up your free ebook here:  

Diana Walker, CEO, Diana’s Healthy Lifestyles
Sunrider Leader

Anxiety Solutions Sunrider Diana Walker will be happy to help you buy Sunrider ESE Natural Herbs for Anxiety and Stress.

4 thoughts on “Stress”

  1. Great information and love the infographic! Very informative and nicely designed. My new thing for stress relief is lots of walking. It has definitely made a difference in my life.

  2. Spinach, salmon and other green vegetables are my favorite, maybe that’s why I’m not stressed! I also love gardening and that takes my mind of anything that would stress me out. I’ve enjoyed your blog throughout the UBC, look forward to seeing you back in October!

  3. Salmon, Avocado and Walnuts are among my favorite foods, so at least I eat things that help fighting stress!
    Congratulations on finishing the UBC, well done!

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