Anxiety Solutions Sunrider

Anxiety Solutions Sunrider ~ How to Manage Anxiety and Panic Attacks Anxiety Solutions Sunrider has been Diana Walker’s solution to […]

Anxiety Solutions Sunrider ~ How to Manage Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Anxiety Solutions Sunrider has been Diana Walker’s solution to stress.  Anxiety Solutions are a very personal thing, but there are some tools to prepare you, and to reduce stress along the way.  An anxiety attack normally creeps up on you unexpectedly, all of a sudden you burst into a panic. Many times this happens for no justifiable reason at all. It may have been some trivial thing that caused a panic or anxiety attack to start in the first place. Knowing how to deal with these attacks will make a huge difference in your life.

Anxiety Solutions Are You Stressed ChecklistAn anxiety attack is classified as an uncontrollable reaction to a situation. This can happen when you are asked to do something that you are not comfortable with.  Like talking in front of a group of people or having to take an elevator. These experiences of panic can affect all areas of your life, including relationships, your happiness and your peace of mind.

If you are having an anxiety attack you may be showing any of the following symptoms:
• Increased heart rate
• Feeling panicked
• Uncontrollable shaking
• Feeling hot
• Feeling faint or dizzy
• Experiencing nausea
• Having stomach cramps

There are many more symptoms but these are the most common ones. Knowing how to handle an anxiety or panic attack will allow you to feel better much faster.  It will take time to learn how to control your feelings but it can be accomplished.

A panic attack usually takes about 10 minutes to reach its peak and subsides within a half hour. During this time you will be experiencing the above symptoms and will be feeling extremely anxious.

Anxiety Solutions Sunrider ~ Here is how to deal with an attack:

  • TELL YOURSELF TO RELAX  It is difficult especially when you feel so out of control but it is vital not to allow yourself to get so caught up in your feelings.
  • DEEP BREATHING   This will help you stay calm.  Focus on your heartbeat and breathe deeply and slowly until you feel your heart rate slowing down.  Concentrating on your breathing technique keeps your mind diverted from your feelings of panic. Practice deep breathing techniques frequently.  When an anxiety attack does occur you are better prepared to handle it.
  • EXERCISE  One of the best things you can do to cope with an anxiety attack is to exercise more often. Exercise has been proven to be a great stress reliever for the body and mind.  Attempt to get in 30 minutes of exercise at least 3 times a week. You will be feeling less stressed and this can help stop a panic attack before it even starts.





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