Well – I am 61 years “old”
I can’t believe it! Above is a photo of me with one of my sisters, Roselyn Phare, taken last week.
I’m amazed too! I feel and think AGELESS….. I feel maybe age 45 at the most, in biological years. I’ve worked hard, though, this is not coincidence!
Many of my friends are in their 30s and 40s. Many friends who are in their 50s or more are Sunriders and they look younger every year!
Thanks, Rob, when you said today: you’re not 61 Diana, get out!
I appreciated that! You have worked so much on yourself, and you are an inspiration, so it was great to hear that from you!!
I work very hard at staying healthy. I eat well and exercise, meditate/pray, walk, do yoga, swim, keep my stress levels down, keep a balance in my life, engage in businesses that uplift and help other people, earn honest and abundant money, spend time with family and friends.
For me, if I wasn’t eating the Sunrider Whole Foods daily, these other healthy habits would not be possible – I wouldn’t have the energy to exercise like I do, I would still be stressed and having hormonal and money problems, I would still be craving sugar and coffee, and so on.
I’m so happy to be 61, and HEALTHY and able to enjoy life. My whole purpose in life is helping others on the path to abundance in health and wealth.
“Health isn’t everything, but everything is nothing without health” is my favorite quote.
Diana Walker, CEO, Diana’s Healthy Lifestyles